Inbound vs. Outbound Marketing
|As a business owner or marketing professional, you want to bring in new customers or develop leads—while spending less money, if possible. You can do this in numerous ways. It is usually a combination of both inbound and outbound marketing programs that produce the most effective results, especially over the long haul. But, what does this mean, exactly? Understanding the difference between inbound and outbound marketing can help you put together the best possible marketing plan.
Inbound Marketing
Inbound marketing is usually described as a method of attracting customers or prospects to your business through the creation of useful content or incentives. Some of the best-known types of inbound marketing are content marketing, SEO, and social media marketing. These all work because you are creating useful information that draw potential customers to your web properties.
Outbound Marketing
Outbound marketing, on the other hand, includes the most traditional types of marketing—like direct mail, telemarketing and television ads. Outbound marketing involves you reaching out and trying to make contact with particular customers or groups of customers.
Which is better?
The differences between inbound and outbound marketing are often quite subtle. The lines between the two marketing camps are not as distinct as you may think. For instance, an online banner ad can serve as both inbound and outbound marketing—depending on the content you attach to it and how you utilize the ad campaign.
It does not matter whether you choose inbound or outbound marketing—it is not a competition. Ideally, you will use both types of marketing methods as they both offer something positive for businesses that are trying to grow and reach a larger audience. Spend time learning about both and find the right marketing mix that will work well for you and your organization.